Dr. Peter Shieh graduated from Tufts university school of dental medicine in 2003. He was part of the international program at Tufts. He received BDS (Bachelor of Dental Surgery) and MDS (masters in Dental Surgery in endodontics ) at KMC, Manipal, India. He later graduated from the 2 years certificate program in Implant Dentistry from Boston University in 2005. His hobbies are Homeopathy and Dentistry.
Dr. Shihchi Shieh Graduated Magna Cum Laude from University of Massachusetts, Lowell, MA with a bachelors degree in Biology. She then attended the Tufts University , School of Dental Medicine where she earned the Doctor of Dental Medicine Degree. She takes a lot of pride in her work and treats her patients with respect. She enjoys spending time with her husband and kids.
Shieh Dental Care